First i want to say welldone for your courage of singing that song, event if it wasn t perfect.
It could be better but, everything and anything has a start.
Never run before you can walk.
Im a Proffessionnel musician (Saxophonist player), but before i reached there, i had to do what you did. I started playing on the street, must of the time in parks with different musicians.
And to tell you the true i was crap, but because a had the balls to do it and carryin on , ive reach where i im today.
So don t listen to other peoples none sense.
They already predujging your future without knowing it.That doesnt make sense to me, that s why they must be retarded and not you.
When i was 17years old, One of my friend from college who was already playing sax findout that i start playing the saxophone,he start laughing at me and he told me that i will never make it and that i should stop leaning it. From that point on he was my enemy.
I say to him to ****off and to watch me close.
And today i beleive that you should never give up what you like to acheive in life.
And i also disagree with one of a comment someone said.
He said that you should not do what you did if you not doing it perfectly.
But what or who is perfect?(no one is)
Again lots of none sense
The only reason that im successuful on what i do today, is because i didn t listen to no one cristicim and also because i was playing everyday in a front of lots of people without knowing how to play perfectly.
The bad side, is that sometime i was a bit embarrast about my playing.
But i keept my cool and carried on playing.The good side is, by playing without knowing how, that will give you lot more experience than to do nothing and crisicing others.
Practice make you better, so carry on, good luck and don t listen to those Retarded Kids
PS: If you need assistance for a clear and good recording let me know by pm.
Remenber that self respect is : trying.
Wikis is chatting chit, and don t listen to people like him who never made it ,on what they wanted to achieve in live,
because they were to busy sat on they fat and lazy arses crisicing others.
And im pretty sure that none of them can do better.
I just hope that i wont have the same issue is last time.
I had problem with control configuration, i couldn t make my pedals to work, and then made a mistake by locking my s2 license when it was my last one available, so i have to wait untul friday to get more unlock and findout if my past issue is resolved.
I hope that l can fix that problem,(any tip is welcome thx)
Ive just registed in the site, but i can activate my account.
It says that the board admin will activate it.
how does that work, i can t even send a pm if my account is not active.
Bro first , i very much congradulate you for youre patience and hard work organising this league.
Im also glad that you are very derterminated to be giving penality s to who was in fault.
But in this case, i don t think you sould penalise Delta because i already forgived him, and like i said in my previous message, that it wasn t a complain, but more like a communication to becarefull
in the future so we can go foword for more exiting racing.
Ive raced many time before with Delta and it was the first ever incident i had with him that s why i beleive that he s a fair and clean racer, and i know that every human been makes a mistake sometime, that s why i beleive that you shouldn t penelize Delta.
What is done is done, i was frustrated at the time but im very cool now and don t mind what happen.
So pls make an exception...............,, I don t want to regret wrighting the first message.
Like you have seen, it was a peaceful message, so pls let s be cool and don t worry about that incident.
tHX FOR UNDERSTANDING and apliying the rules in the best maner
Just to let you know that i was very furious at the time, on race 2 first lap when you took me out of the race, and we both know that it was 100% youre fault. When ive watch the replay i deducted that it was only a race incident and that it wasn t intentionnel, that s why i forgive you.
Anyway this is not a complain, but just to ask you to becareful next time, and that i know that you are a clean and fair racer that s why i don t mind, because i know that it could happen to anyone.
Ps: By the way thanks for the set
by mc0676
Hi carrera, I appreciate your diplomacy but Delta_S4 was in fault !
He had to brake.
But he can stop and return position to u, too.
For the incident on last lap last race,
My only saying is,
i did respect all of you guys, because i keept the green line and i was in the front and left enought room for everyone.
Now, if some racers like to take silly risk on the last lap at the last corner it s there own issue untul it affect me.
In this case it did positivly
Team Name: Tiger Express Motorsports
Entered Cars: 3
Starting numbers for the cars:17, 33, 47
License Applications for the team :
Yann Laprevotte / GreyBull [CHA] / Male / FRA
Chris Wilkinson / Wilko868 / Male / GBR
T enfait pas cousin, on sen bas les couille.
Moi je sai que ta du potencielle en course, en aspet global.
Tranquille, va boire une bonne bierre et laisse les autre s enbrouiller tous seul.